According to the International Diabetes Foundation’s figures, more than 380 million people around the world are coping with a diabetes diagnosis. That’s a lot of people that must alter their way of living and use Diabetes (type 1) testing supplies. However, if the researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health are correct, that number may drop in the future.
In December 2013, researchers connected with the school’s Hotamisligil Laboratory released the results of a study that revealed a potential way to prevent the disease from occurring. The potential solution to the longstanding disease rests with our endoplasmic reticulum (ER). For those that are unfamiliar with ER, it is an organelle found in some human cells. There are two types. They are referred to as rough and smooth. The rough one aids in protein synthesis. In those with type 1 diabetes, those cells are not functioning properly.
What researchers discovered is that there is an amphiphilic bile acid that has the capability of offsetting that dysfunction in laboratory mice. As a result of that offsetting, the onset of diabetes(Type 1) may effectively be delayed or stopped altogether. Of course, additional research and diabetes testing(type 1) must be conducted in the coming years to determine whether or not the same results may be possible to obtain in humans.
Until then, those living with the disease must continue with their type 1 diabetes testing regimens and insulin injections to ensure their quality of life. At this time, failure to properly manage the disease often results in the development of assorted comorbidities. Those comorbidities include vision loss, kidney failure, strokes, heart attacks, and blood vessel disease.