Advanced Diabetes Supply

Living with Diabetes.

Study: Patients Benefit More From DME vs. Pharmacy-Sourced CGMs

A patient is shown being prescribed a CGM sourced from a DME vs. pharmacy.

Can sourcing Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) from a Durable Medical Equipment supplier vs. a pharmacy make a difference in the patient’s adherence to treatment? A recent study published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research Diabetes shows it can. The study’s findings suggest that patients who obtain their CGMs from Durable Medical Equipment (DME) suppliers have significantly better adherence rates and lower healthcare costs than those who obtain them from pharmacies.

Key Findings for CGM Prescribers on DME vs. Pharmacy Outcomes

The study, which analyzed data from a large insurance company, showed that patients who received their CGMs from a DME supplier:

  • Were 23% more likely to adhere to their CGM treatment
  • Paid 11% less on average in overall healthcare costs

These results remained consistent even as adherence rates declined over time for both groups—those receiving CGMs from a DME vs. pharmacy. Importantly, the DME group consistently demonstrated higher adherence levels. Additionally, patients who initially received their CGM from a DME supplier were more likely to restart using the device if they had stopped, further underlining the positive impact of DME involvement.

DME Suppliers Provide Patient Education & Support

Why the difference in outcomes? The study’s authors hypothesize that the difference lies in the enhanced education and support that DME suppliers can provide patients with compared to pharmacies. DME suppliers specialize in medical equipment and often have dedicated staff trained to educate patients on the proper use and maintenance of CGMs. They can also provide ongoing support and troubleshooting, helping patients navigate any challenges they may encounter. Pharmacies, on the other hand, may have limited resources and staff expertise to dedicate to CGM support.

The ADS Advantage: Empowering Patients, Optimizing Outcomes

ADS is a leading DME provider that specializes in diabetes management solutions, including CGMs. We understand the critical role that education, support, and ongoing care play in ensuring patients achieve optimal outcomes with their CGMs.

Our commitment to patient empowerment sets us apart:

  • Personalized Education and Support: Our team of diabetes educators provides one-on-one support, tailoring education to each patient’s unique needs and helping them understand how to use their CGM effectively.
  • Data Integration: We help patients integrate their CGM data with other diabetes management tools—such as insulin pumps and blood glucose meters—enabling a comprehensive and holistic approach to care.

How Prescribers & Patients Can Benefit With ADS

The research is clear: where patients get their CGMs matters.

By prescribing CGMs through a DME supplier like ADS, you can:

  • Increase patient adherence to CGM therapy
  • Improve patient outcomes
  • Reduce overall healthcare costs

Empower your patients to take control of their diabetes management. Choose ADS as your DME partner for CGM prescriptions. Together, we can make a meaningful difference in the lives of individuals living with diabetes.

Learn more about how to become a prescriber partner here.